
Innovation List

An intelligent system for stationary and itinerant beekeeping
Industry: agriculture
Manager: dr inż. Wojciech Górecki
Broker: dr Renata Bartoszewicz
Phone: 515 493 518
Possible forms of commercialization: spin-off company, sale, licence
. It enables obtaining up-to-date information and remote control of devices, and thus the quick and effective response of beekeepers to changes (information about the existing honey flow, the appearance of a swarm mood, etc.). Thanks to this, the beekeeper has continuous access to information about the situation and changes in bee colonies without staying in the apiary. It allows for quick reactions in situations that require it. The system regulates the temperature in the hive, allowing control of the biological cycle of the bee colony. Innovative technology allows it possible to inhibit the development of Varroa destructor and effectively fight many other diseases without using chemotherapeutic agents. The hive ventilation system is dedicated to transport and long journeys, especially in spring and summer, during high temperatures - preventing the colonies' infestation and thermal stresses. The photovoltaic system guarantees the operation of the device in places with no access to the power grid. The photovoltaic system ensures the operation of the device in areas with no access to the power grid. Due to the shrinking foraging range, the possibility of obtaining more significant amounts of varietal honey and increasing local sealing, beekeepers take hives to distant places, often far from civilization. Only thanks to such itinerant hives beekeepers can obtain the appropriate quality of honey and ensure the development of the apiary. The hive's design and equipment meet the current needs and challenges of modern beekeeping in all types of apiaries, both hobby and professional.
Keywords: beekeeping, intelligent hive, apiaries management
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The program called "Innovation Incubator 4.0" is implemented as part of a non-competitive project entitled "Support for the management of scientific research and commercialization of R&D results in research units and enterprises" under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 (Measure 4.4).
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