
Innovation List

Vegan paradise
University of Agriculture in Krakow
University of Agriculture in Krakow - CTT
Industry: Food
Manager: dr inż. Daniel Żmudziński
Broker: mgr inż. Justyna Warot
Phone: 12 662 48 53
Possible forms of commercialization: spin-off company, sale, licence

As part of the project, a probiotic fermented plant-based drink was created for a wide range of consumers with diverse nutritional needs. The developed product does not contain artificial preservatives, emulsifiers and thickeners, synthetic colors and flavors, added sugar or any sweeteners, gluten, soy and animal products. It is obtained only from natural plant components from Poland. The product currently has no competition on the market. This is ensured by a clean label, native raw material from local producers, and the use of lactose-free, vegan probiotic yoghurt cultures. With the constantly growing demand for vegan products, which usually reach the conscious customer, the presence of this drink on the market will largely fill the gap on the domestic and foreign markets.

Keywords: plant-based drink, clean label, natural components
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The program called "Innovation Incubator 4.0" is implemented as part of a non-competitive project entitled "Support for the management of scientific research and commercialization of R&D results in research units and enterprises" under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 (Measure 4.4).
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